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Being the leading online psychiatric platform since 2016, Skypiatrist has served over 15,000 patients nationwide. We know your mental well-being is just as important as other aspects of your life, and taking better care of your psychiatric needs no compromise—everyone deserves to thrive.


Being the leading online psychiatric platform since 2016, Skypiatrist has served over 15,000 patients nationwide. We know your mental well-being is just as important as other aspects of your life, and taking better care of your psychiatric needs no compromise—everyone deserves to thrive.

Mental healthcare on-the-go

We started our telemedicine practice due to the rise in need for high-quality, convenient, and personalized psychiatric services, allowing patients to skip hours of commuting and speak with doctors right away.

At Skypiatrist, we commit to meeting your immediate needs without sacrificing your quality of care.

Why choose us?


See the same doctor at every appointment to ensure that you get the high-quality, informed care you deserve from someone who knows you.


See only medical doctors, psychiatrists, and expert therapists—no nurse practitioners here.


Quickly schedule an appointment on your own time and start sessions on the dot; say goodbye to long commute hours to and from a clinic! Plus, skip lines at your pharmacy thanks to our electronic prescriptions.


Refined technology for your maximum convenience and privacy. Talk to your doctor through a secure, HIPAA-compliant video chat app built right into our website.

Ready when
you are

Let us help you get started on your journey to better mental health.

Ready when
you are

Let us help you get started on your journey
to better mental health.